What we do
Our clients choose not to fill selected open positions with existing staff, and therefore look to connect with potential external candidates — with great discretion and without publicity. Our clients count on us to introduce them to a number of sensibly and carefully selected personalities. In addition, we provide constructive and critical support during the candidate selection process, and ultimately bring both parties together for contract negotiations once a decision has been made.
The range of projects with which we have been entrusted begins in general business management, and continues through commercial, technical and IT-related leadership functions, all the way to specialised expert roles in industrial, trade, service and public sectors.
HEADZOOM.COM GmbH, our joint venture with ‘brand eins Medien AG’ in Hamburg, is an executive branding company. It provides managers with a new and effective instrument that can be used to inform ideal candidates of an open position and convince them to join the team.
We are convinced: People choose people. And great thinkers attract other great thinkers. Strong leaders have well thought-out principles that guide them in their work and they know what they want to achieve. This makes them predictable and reliable team leaders. And, despite their clear focus on excellent results, they remain human.
You can never let these strengths shine enough when competing for the greatest minds. We are changing that. Instead of conventional job placement ads, we implement high-quality, audio-visual journalistic information packages, that we send to a carefully selected target group. Aside from facts relating to the position available and the company, we provide answers to the most pressing questions: ‘Who would I be reporting to? Will we be good match?’ Be able to evaluate this before you even apply, is real added value — which has never been provided before. With this approach, we can generate more authentic interest than a conventional ad, among qualified individuals — many of whom may not even be actively seeking a new position. In this process, we also strengthen our clients’ image as a modern and collaborative employer.
Anyone in management knows that the concept of long-term, predictable and linear career development is a thing of the past. Today, it is almost impossible to have a career path without gaps and turns — things that would have been unacceptable career breaks in the past. As such, careerpaths have become choppier and more unpredictable.
Therefore, managers must embrace the challenge of networking and being recognised within the market. Ideally, before their employment ends unexpectedly. This is where we help you develop a concept and work through the details of practical implementation.
The groundwork for this is a prudent diagnosis of an individual’s market value and their realistic options for change, which prevents misjudgements — being too optimistic or too conservative. This assessment helps us focus in on our clients’ ‘core brand’, and allows us to open doors for the best and most interesting interview partners.