What we do

Our cli­ents choo­se not to fill sel­ec­ted open posi­ti­ons with exis­ting staff, and the­r­e­fo­re look to con­nect with poten­ti­al exter­nal can­di­da­tes — with gre­at dis­cre­ti­on and wit­hout publi­ci­ty. Our cli­ents count on us to intro­du­ce them to a num­ber of sen­si­bly and careful­ly sel­ec­ted per­so­na­li­ties. In addi­ti­on, we pro­vi­de con­s­truc­ti­ve and cri­ti­cal sup­port during the can­di­da­te sel­ec­tion pro­cess, and ulti­m­ate­ly bring both par­ties tog­e­ther for con­tract nego­tia­ti­ons once a decis­i­on has been made.

The ran­ge of pro­jects with which we have been ent­rus­ted beg­ins in gene­ral busi­ness manage­ment, and con­ti­nues through com­mer­cial, tech­ni­cal and IT-rela­ted lea­der­ship func­tions, all the way to spe­cia­li­sed expert roles in indus­tri­al, trade, ser­vice and public sectors.

HEADZOOM.COM GmbH, our joint ven­ture with ‘brand eins Medi­en AG’ in Ham­burg, is an exe­cu­ti­ve bran­ding com­pa­ny. It pro­vi­des mana­gers with a new and effec­ti­ve instru­ment that can be used to inform ide­al can­di­da­tes of an open posi­ti­on and con­vin­ce them to join the team.

We are con­vin­ced: Peo­p­le choo­se peo­p­le. And gre­at thin­kers attract other gre­at thin­kers. Strong lea­ders have well thought-out prin­ci­ples that gui­de them in their work and they know what they want to achie­ve. This makes them pre­dic­ta­ble and relia­ble team lea­ders. And, despi­te their clear focus on excel­lent results, they remain human.

You can never let the­se strengths shi­ne enough when com­pe­ting for the grea­test minds. We are chan­ging that. Ins­tead of con­ven­tio­nal job pla­ce­ment ads, we imple­ment high-qua­li­ty, audio-visu­al jour­na­li­stic infor­ma­ti­on packa­ges, that we send to a careful­ly sel­ec­ted tar­get group. Asi­de from facts rela­ting to the posi­ti­on available and the com­pa­ny, we pro­vi­de ans­wers to the most pres­sing ques­ti­ons: ‘Who would I be report­ing to? Will we be good match?’ Be able to eva­lua­te this befo­re you even app­ly, is real added value — which has never been pro­vi­ded befo­re. With this approach, we can gene­ra­te more authen­tic inte­rest than a con­ven­tio­nal ad, among qua­li­fied indi­vi­du­als — many of whom may not even be actively see­king a new posi­ti­on. In this pro­cess, we also streng­then our cli­ents’ image as a modern and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve employer.


Anyo­ne in manage­ment knows that the con­cept of long-term, pre­dic­ta­ble and line­ar care­er deve­lo­p­ment is a thing of the past. Today, it is almost impos­si­ble to have a care­er path wit­hout gaps and turns — things that would have been unac­cep­ta­ble care­er breaks in the past. As such, care­er­paths have beco­me chop­pier and more unpredictable.

The­r­e­fo­re, mana­gers must embrace the chall­enge of net­wor­king and being reco­g­nis­ed within the mar­ket. Ide­al­ly, befo­re their employ­ment ends unex­pec­ted­ly. This is whe­re we help you deve­lop a con­cept and work through the details of prac­ti­cal implementation.

The ground­work for this is a pru­dent dia­gno­sis of an individual’s mar­ket value and their rea­li­stic opti­ons for chan­ge, which pre­vents mis­jud­ge­ments — being too opti­mi­stic or too con­ser­va­ti­ve. This assess­ment helps us focus in on our cli­ents’ ‘core brand’, and allows us to open doors for the best and most inte­res­t­ing inter­view partners.