Who we are

REICHEL ADVISORS was foun­ded by Dr. Tho­mas Rei­chel, in 2005. After spen­ding 12 years in lea­der­ship posi­ti­ons at the DEUTSCHE BANK and the GEA Group, a tech com­pa­ny, he deci­ded to make a chan­ge. Sin­ce then, he has made it his aim to pro­vi­de bet­ter per­son­nel con­sul­ting than he recei­ved and works to give his cli­ents the best pos­si­ble service.

Today, we advi­se a group of long-stan­ding cli­ents, ran­ging from DAX 30 and mid-size com­pa­nies, all the way to fami­ly-owned busi­nesses, and inves­tors. If you are also loo­king to fill an inter­nal posi­ti­on that requi­res a high level of respon­si­bi­li­ty, we can find the most qua­li­fied and sui­ta­ble exe­cu­ti­ve for you.

Our sub­si­dia­ry HEADZOOM.COM pro­vi­des mana­gers with a new and effec­ti­ve instru­ment that can be used to con­vin­ce the grea­test thin­kers in the mar­ket to join your team, while simul­ta­neous­ly posi­tio­ning your com­pa­ny on the mar­ket as a cut­ting-edge, col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve employer.

We build care­er bridges bet­ween peo­p­le across all busi­ness sec­tors — bet­ween peo­p­le who­se inte­rests com­ple­ment one ano­ther, and who have the poten­ti­al for a suc­cessful and long-term busi­ness rela­ti­onship. Achie­ving this requi­res acu­te sen­si­bi­li­ties and a serious inte­rest in working tog­e­ther with peo­p­le — and for them. How­ever, the extre­me focus on com­mer­ce often found in our metier, com­bi­ned with the need to put on super­fi­ci­al airs, pre­vents this from hap­pe­ning. After all, the­se go hand in hand with the pres­su­re to per­form at all cos­ts, along­side ‘indus­tria­li­sed’ recrui­ting pro­ce­du­res and ten­den­tious — some­ti­mes even mani­pu­la­ti­ve — con­sul­ta­ti­on methods.

We have cho­sen to distance our­sel­ves from all of that and see our­sel­ves as ‘craft­smen’ for whom dili­gence, qua­li­ty and hones­ty ser­ve as gui­ding prin­ci­ples. This appli­es to both our cli­ents, as well as the inter­view part­ners to whom we offer gui­dance and ori­en­ta­ti­on during their job search. By fore­go­ing extra­va­gant expen­ses that do not­hing to impro­ve the qua­li­ty of our work, we are free to focus on being an excel­lent con­sul­tancy and sound­ing board.